Monday, June 16, 2008

Obama and the Mormon Vote

OK, OK, we know that Obama supports civil unions and's old news...

But let's face it...if Obama keeps making speeches like this, he might effectively peel off a respectable chunk of the social conservative vote, especially those of us hardliners who are tired of hearing about the liberal elitists who think that life is all about the Tony Awards and the most recent brand of cheese. Frankly, McCain could never make a speech like this, if only because his choices prevent from doing so credibly. I'm not saying I'll vote for Obama, nor will one speech do the job. But if Obama can meet the social conservatives half-way, they will see that Obama can do/say for them what McCain simply cannot. Maybe those social conservatives will be simply victims of what critics call Obama's Jedi-like power to swoon and croon.

In any case, speeches like this might just be the spoonful of "sugar to help the liberal medicine/poison go down.

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