Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Rather Amusing Jab at Sarah Palin..."Like a Bad Diseny Movie."

So he's an actor...he knows how to be a social commentator/comedian all at once. But I must admit...his comparison to the "bad Disney movie" is quite entertaining...indeed, that's probably why people like Palin. You know the movies I'm talking about...feisty mother just living her life and then some politician perchance sees her take on the hockey coach/other mothers...(cue light Southern accent for added folksy factor): "Hmmm...where I come from, we call that good foreign policy."

And yes, if he thinks dinosaurs lifespans make for a legitimate litmus test, I don't want to hear any crowing from the left (even if I agree with them) about how pro-life/traditional marriage positions equate hard-wired bigotry. For the record, Sarah Palin has NEVER said that she buys into the old-school creationist model that the earth is only 6,000 years old. If one must use a litmus test (and I do not...I was considering Giuliani back in the day), which is more sound? What one thinks of an old rock that ceased to be relevant aprx. 3 million years ago? Or a belief that gender doesn't exist except as a social nicety?

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