Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Moment of Reflection on 9/11

Welcome to Never-land...where that odd September day (waving hand) "never happened." Sure, if you do google news, you'll find a few memorials, speeches, calls to remember the dead, etc. But that's hardly the deep-seated, visceral pain that we knew all so well seven years ago. The fixation on the television. The inability to even reason clearly. Believe it or not, I gave a speech in high school on Bin Laden (whose name I pronounced, "Bean Lah-Deen"--betraying my folksy heritage. Hey, we all have our skeletons).

Yes, Steven Jones and his crowd claim that Bush knew about it beforehand, even planned it. I highly doubt it, if only because, as Benjamin Franklin said, the only way you can get two Americans to keep a secret is by shooting one of them.

But neither am I the all-seeing eye, nor does it particularly matter as far as how I feel about it. We learn the same lesson...evil is real, there are conspiring men, and even a war-hater like me who wants out of Iraq recognizes that it would be a greater injustice to sit back and pontificate on the "decline of the West" and American imperialism coming home to roost while people are dying. Intellectualism, at such times, is not just's nigh unto criminal.

If by some freak chance a family member/friend of the 9/11 victims visits this blog, I salute you...just for taking a few in the jaw simply because you're American.

God bless.

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