Monday, September 15, 2008

PC Unplugged: I love Islam, but seriously folks...

SO my friends, it pains me to write this...after all, I have a deep and abiding respect for the Muslim people. I believe that Muhummad was a great figure who performed a great service to the peoples of the Middle East in helping to root out polytheism (though the militaristic edge is not exactly comforting...). So I run the risk of being associated with the camo. wearing right-wing nut jobs when I say this...

The British legal system has lost its collective mind and any sense it has of state sovereignty... (a decidedly opinionated piece about it). Whatever the merits or lack thereof found in Sharia law, the snowslide is being opened widely to radicalism and ultimately, the British state sanctioning of domestic abuse. What if another London bombing takes place? To whom will the Sharia court be subject? Can the Supreme Court of England/Wales declare primacy? If so, then why allow such a contrary legal body within the structure's midst?

Will the judges be strict constructionists or broad constructionists? What about if a British person commits a crime against a Muslim? Who will be the legal experts?
Worst of all, does Britain think so little of its own tradition of domestic freedom (even if that freedom was exclusively domestic and middle/upper-class) that it's telling what few ideals it had to take a flying leap? In the name of multiculturalism, the British gov't has just levied an enormous blow against the legal integrity of Britain's structures. All in the name of the multiculturalism.

And trust me...I know a little something about cultural sensitivity. You can't survive in a Hmong community without it. It's essential for civility...but you can't have competing legal structures and still call yourself a state that believes in equal protection.


1 comment:

Carolyn said...

So, I had to do a lot of backtracking to understand what you were talking about at all but now I am totally onboard with you. It seems really dangerous to have two separate legal systems running in the same country. A person should not be able to choose to live in Western society and not have to live by Western laws.

Are there people who actually think this is a good idea? The only links I found were negative viewpoints. What would be the flip side of this debate?