Friday, October 17, 2008

Hate Crimes?

SO I'm not a fan of hate crime legislation...largely because I just hate crime in general. A white man's death is no less tragic when sparked by his religion than a black man's death is over the color of his skin. Both are terrible blemishes on the human condition.

That said, indulge me a little as I dabble in some Mormon "persecution complex." Read this story . A Brazilian man in Massachusetts killed his wife and stepson (quite brutally...with a hammer). Why? He states quite clearly that it was because of her activity in the Mormon church and her efforts to get him to join.

Where is the Anti-Defamation League right now? What are the hate crimes advocates?

Yes, this is straight-up tribalism...but I also think that I've seen horrific crimes like this get enormous play on the media. Not that I ever thought the televised media was a fair portrayer of reality...

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

"Persecution complex" indeed. What are you saying? That this guy should be charged with hate crimes? Because it doesn't seem like he killed his wife because she was Mormon but because of the strain of divergent devotions. I mean, he was married to the woman. It's not like he went out and killed the first Mormon he met.