Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Hero With A Thousand Faces

You all know it...you just don't know that you know it. So Joseph Campbell writes this book called (guess what?) The Hero With a Thousand Faces. He argues that all hero myths derive from a single typology, a single archetype.

So now we get into the fun stuff...Campbell argues that "the hero" leaves his home of comfort, goes in search of a token or prize, and in doing so, begins to question his relationship to reality. Ultimately, s/he realizes a previously unrecognized potential , comes to terms with him/herself, and ultimately saves the society from whence he came.

Here's the scoop...look at the specifics of Campbell's "hero cycle" (see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hero_with_a_Thousand_Faces). Any comparisons to made with how we ourselves as heroes in mortality in light of the plan of salvation? Similarities? Differences? Most importantly, what can we learn from Campbell? Search ye therefore out of the best books, no? (and to my uberly-orthodox friends, yes, there are more "best books" than the standard works...at least Joseph Smith thought so).

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