Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Nutritional Brochures at Fast Food Joints=Absurd

So I was going to Taco Bell in hopes of scarfing down on my calorie-laced Baja Beef Chalupa. Suddenly, I was slapped upside the head with the realization that an obscenity was staring me right in the face. No...'twasn't any four letter word...it was a nutritional sign.

A question for my loyal viewers: does anyone with a brain not drenched in Mickey D's grease actually go to fast food joints wondering about their calorie intake? One might as well ask an embezzler for advice on how to do the taxes or a Republican on how to actually give a ---- about the hungry...

So let's face it...Taco Bell thinks we're idiots...gimme my Baja...

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